Thursday, 8 May 2014

The journey so far

Mull to Spean Bridge - the first 150 Munros.
Follow Dan's progress at

Mull to Spean Bridge - the first 150 Munros


  1. Hi Dan and team,
    Great to follow the adventure. Was inspired to write to the guardian education editor... Here's his short but interested reply:
    Thanks Will, it's quite a challenge. I'll mention it to my colleagues on our teacher's network and see if they can do something.


    On 7 May 2014 12:28, William Purcell wrote:

    From: Will
    Date: 7 May 2014 10:21
    Subject: Teacher takes leave to inspire:
    To: ""
    Cc: Liz Meyfroidt

    Dear Richard,

    In the swirl of school statistics, data, and mapping progress, here is a teacher given extended leave to run, bike and swim the 282 Munros and take his whole school with him on the journey... digitally. As a teacher at a local secondary school where another teacher was refused a day off to attempt a fell race challenge... here in Kendal is a school embracing the dreams of its teachers and inspiring the pupils as a result. Ironically Dan was running in snow when Ofsted came into Ghyllside last week, but instead of absence data, they could check up on his real time whereabouts, track his progress and see the value added benefits of genuine inspiration!!!

    1. Great stuff Will. Let's hope there's some interest.


  2. Wow, what an adventure you're having Dan!!!! I followed a link from Open adventure's April newsletter and discovered your amazing challenge . . . talk about 'inspire a generation' : )
    Sounds like you've got a network of fantastic supporters willing you on. I hope you're enjoying the incredible journey . . . Dream - Believe - Achieve.
    Best wishes,

  3. Hi Dan

    This is great stuff - hats off to you.

    It is like watching the Tour de France or Football World Cup, totally addicted to seeing what you are up to, feels like we (we!! - you) are through to the quarter finals, enjoy the semis and the final.

