Sunday, 19 January 2014

Getting out of the door

Usually at this time of year I'm not in great shape due to a November and December break from running but am raring to go for the year ahead. There are often a couple of races in April/May time to get me focussed and I always enjoy training, particularly the hard sessions like club nights and hill reps. I love the transition to fitness probably more than actually being fit.

This year it is a little bit different as my target isn't a race and doesn't require me to have any speed in my legs (which is something I never have anyway, as anyone who's ever ran next to me on the flat will tell you - pathetic!) As my end goal is likely to require a much more leisurely pace, mostly purposeful walking with a bit of trotting on the flats and downs, the training needs to reflect this. Putting it like that makes it sound a bit of a doddle until you look at the size of the days. I would say an easier day will be 6 or 7 hours on the go and the harder ones getting towards 10, maybe more.

Simple then, plenty of hourage required with not really much need for any faster runs. I am certainly doing 2 or 3 more hours than I usually would in January. I did think I'd enjoy not having the pressure of thinking about hard sessions and easy days, but actually I'm really missing it! Every run recently has been the same pace and I've been yearning for a bit of variety.

This coupled with the weather this week has made it all a bit of an effort to stay motivated. Usually training is something I look forward to and I bounce out of the door, but not this week. Every run and ride has been in the rain and the majority in the dark. A few of them mid-week I could easily have binned but that's not an option. Everyone knows that those first steps out of the door are the hardest and I'm chuffed to have got my miles in despite the low motivation.

Today's run was the perfect antidote. Three and a half hours around Langdale, Scafell Pike and Great Moss (my favourite part of the Lakes) in the clag and snow without seeing a soul, and I'm reminded of what I love about running in the mountains.

On top of the world - well England!

Great Moss from Cam Spout

The top of the Band 

So thats one 3000 footer this year - 282 to go. This week:

M: Rest
T: 1 hour 30 mins Club run Loghrigg and Wansfell
W: 50 mins Sout Scar
T: 45 mins Scout Scar
F: 45 mins Scout Scar
S: 2 hours road bike
S: 3 hour 30 mins  Scafell Pike loop from Langdale

Total:      run 7 hours  8000ft ascent          bike 2 hrs

13 weeks to go

Fingers crossed for good weather next weekend as I'm pacing on a BG leg.

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